How Does Cool Sculpting Work? Read About a Full Cool Sculpting Treatment

October 5, 2021

Cool Scuptling

The obesity rate around the world is increasing dramatically. The rate has nearly doubled over the last few decades. It was the arrival of fast-food chains and a whole lot of junk of sections that have paced the rate even further. According to research conducted in 2016, almost 13% percent of the world’s entire adult population suffered from obesity. It also verifies how the obesity rate has nearly tripled since the early 1970’s. it is a matter of grave concern and we could also see a slight change in society thereafter. People who are concerned about the future often tend to keep themselves fit. It is always exemplified how health is wealth. Keeping yourself fit is the only option if you wish to succeed. Being in a bad shape never helps.

All these scenarios have led us to another important term which is well known as cool sculpting. We all have experienced a kind of fat which does not eliminate even after a controlled diet and exercise. This is where coolsculpting comes into action. It Is a treatment of fat freezing that helps in eliminating this stubborn fat with the help of this non-surgical treatment which has now become popular. There are many areas where this fat is almost impossible to eliminate to regular exercises and an intense diet. It could be under your chin or near the jawline, it might be on thighs or your abdomen. Also, It could be on the back of the upper arm fat. It has a proven record and has been cleared for use by FDA.

Am I a good candidate for coolsculpting?

To understand if you need a coolsculpting treatment, one needs a brief self-assessment. You need to look at yourself and ask if there is any fat in your body that is stubborn and is not vanishing even after all your effort to combat it. You have done all the appropriate efforts, all the required exercise and diet control, or medicine to cut fat but it has not worked. This kind of fat could only be dealt with through coolsculpting. Don’t take coolsculpting as a weight loss procedure but rather it could be referred to as a non-surgical treatment that will directly mark an impact on stubborn long impending fat. The procedure is non-surgical makes it a lot more enticing. It has a proven record of reducing fat up to 20 to 25 percent in the treated areas.  There are several diseases listed and if you happen to suffer from any of those, one should always avoid the coolsculpting treatment. The disease includes cryoglobulinemia, paroxysmal, or agglutinin disease.

How does coolsculpting work?

An individual has all the right to know about any treatment procedure, one is planning to go through. It is important to understand every bit of it and take a good analysis if it will work for you or it won’t. Deciding knowing the procedure will give you an utter sense of satisfaction with whatever decision you come up with according to your willingness and wellness. The steps of coolsculpting involve a process called cryolipolysis. The stubborn fat cells are frozen under a process called apoptosis. When they are frozen they get damaged and eventually die. The crystallization makes cells lose their shape and they are not able to survive. Now to mobilize the cell that is released after one went through the process of coolsculpting, a proper massage Is conducted on the treated surface or around it.

How many areas can I treat with coolsculpting?

There are prominently 9 areas that have been figured out and cleared by the FDA for treatment through coolsculpting. The 9 areas namely include flanks, abdomen, submental area which is generally below the chin, the submandibular area which Is present below the jawline, bra fat, back fat, on the upper arms, on inner and outer thighs, and underneath the buttocks. These are often some of the areas which are very difficult to cut fat and people often struggle to figure out a way through. Coolsculpting has arrived as a wonder which makes it pretty easy to treat these areas to combat excess fat. The wonderful part of all this includes the fact that treatment for coolsculpting could be performed on multiple areas within a single day.

What if I need more than one treatment in the same area?

It very much depends on how the initial treatment has shown the effect on the area. It is often assumed safe to wait for at least 1 to 3 months to see the effects. Moreover, this time will be enough to tell if another round of treatment in the same area would make any impact or it won’t. A good consultant would rather suggest to you what effect the treatment will bring to the area and thus it will help you to decide that if it is worth it to repeat the procedure.

Also Read: Benefits Of Coolsculpting in Staten Island

What is the first step to getting treatment?

Like many other treatments, the first step of the coolsculpting process includes a proper assessment. This includes verifying if the patient is the right candidate which qualifies with all the necessities for being treated with coolsculpting. The doctor or the specialist often inquire about your medical history and further conduct a deep analysis to determine how safe and effective would it be to do the coolsculpting treatment. If there is any kind of short come that a patient might have to face after the procedure, it is the duty of the doctor to inform you about it before any proceedings with the treatment. An in-depth analysis is conducted about the patient body goal and the doctor describes how much treatment and individual effort will it need to achieve the desired goals.

What does the coolsculpting treatment feel like?

The first and the foremost thing a doctor do I to mark which area in specific needs to be covered. Once it is marked, the doctor starts preparing the skin, and then the procedure Is set to begin.

A protective gel is applied all over the area. It takes Almost 35 to 40 minutes to complete the procedure. Every measure is taken to make sure that the customer feels safe and secure throughout. A cold sensation is felt once the procedure starts and after 3 minutes one might feel a sense of the cold sensation. For the majority of the time after the first 5 to 6 minutes are lapsed, the patient does not feel anything as the area is almost numb. A patient might feel a sense that something is happening but due to numbness around the area, it Is difficult to figure out. Bring a book or something to read if you want to feel much more relaxed.

How long does it take to see the results?

There might be times when a patient might start seeing a result as early as 1 to 3 months. But the results of coolsculpting are not very instant. It takes a few months for the cell to start getting damaged.  But once the cell dies it is very unlikely for them to return. So yes coolsculpting is a process that shows results but then again it will take some time.

Are there any side effects after the treatment?

There is some side effect which might occur after the procedure but they are not serious. It might include bruising, firmness, and tingling, stinging, tenderness, redness, blanching, or aching. Skin sensitivity or a slight sensation might also be felt someday. Sometimes rare side effects might also occur after coolsculpting. An enlargement in the treated area might occur after almost 4 to 5 months from the procedure date and might rather need surgical treatment to get that fixed.

Searching coolsculpting near me might suggest you several options but we at new u physical therapy provide you the best options if you want the coolsculpting treatment to be done with utmost care. We have a team of professionals who are obliged to take the best care.